Cacaphony of Oratory package borked?
Cacaphony of Oratory package borked?
I think the Cacaphony of Oratory package is broken. Everytime I try to retrieve it on any computer, freezes at 1836/1836, and never progresses.
Re: Cacaphony of Oratory package borked?
I'm able to download them. If you're still having issues with this package, please enable debug logging and shoot me the debug log.
(Also, I just updated this package since Voice of Ryken uses both shouts and says, and sometimes you only get one or the other instead of both.)
(Also, I just updated this package since Voice of Ryken uses both shouts and says, and sometimes you only get one or the other instead of both.)
Re: Cacaphony of Oratory package borked?
The issue you were having downloading this package should be fixed now with version
Re: Cacaphony of Oratory package borked?
yes, it is fixed. Thanks