I use timer triggers to manage dots and dot-like spells. For example to have an eye on a rooted mob while fighting another.
Trigger Name: Greater Immobilize
Search Text: {S1} adheres to the ground.
Use Regular Expressions: On
Timer Name: {S1} - Greater Immobliize
End early text: Your Greater Immobilize spell has worn off of {S1}.
It works great. Rooting different mobs (with different names) will create several timer bars, each one showing the correct mob. And if a root breaks due to the {S1} in the early end message the correct bar is removed. Wohoo! But ... well not every root runs out. The timer becomes useless as soon as the mob was dotted to death and the early end message won't show up at all.
As far as I understood the regular expressions are needed as soon as I use variables like {S1} or {N1}. I used {S1} in the early end message and was convinced I could use a regular expression in that message too.
New End early text: (Your Greater Immobilize spell has worn off of {S1}.|You have slain {S1}!)
This did not work. I tried that expression as trigger to prove its correct syntax. Conclusion: regular expressions don't work with early end texts.
Have you got any idea how I could end a timer with several possible phrases?
Regards Sachmet
reg ex in end early text
Re: reg ex in end early text
Early End Text does not currently support Regex. I will add that to my list of things to work on for next week's build.
Re: reg ex in end early text
I'd like to put in a vote for at least minimal regex support in the end early text. I think shaman, enchanters, necros, clerics and rangers all have a use for multiple end early triggers.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks in advance.
Re: reg ex in end early text
I added the ability to specify multiple Early End Text entries in (just enter one early end trigger per line in the Early End Text box). Note that this still isn't RegEx support in the Early End Text, but it does still support the replacements tags ({S}, {S1}, {S2}, {N}, {C}, etc).
Re: reg ex in end early text
Thanks for the response. When I look at the end early text bar it is unclear to me how to add the second line. AN example of what I would like to add is an end early trigger to long term debuffs like '{s} has been slain by' along side 'you have slain {s}'
I've been using the various substitutes all along so I know that they work.
I've been using the various substitutes all along so I know that they work.
Re: reg ex in end early text
In the text box, enter ach possible "early end" text on a new line (ie, type in the first line, hit Enter, and then type in the second line). In your example, the text in the box would look like:
{s} has been slain by
you have slain {s}
{s} has been slain by
you have slain {s}
Re: reg ex in end early text
The larger box appeared yesterday when the update downloaded. It's all clear now. Thanks for the help.