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Sharing link timeout

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 11:16 am
by Giddemore
Is there anyway to increase the length that a Gina sharing link is valid or make it indefinite to maintain your own library? I'd like to be able to make hotkeys with my Gina sharing links that I can just shoot a tell to people who need them and not have to alt tab out to generate new ones.

Re: Sharing link timeout

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 6:12 am
by Gimagukk
I have increased the timeout to 6 hours so you can use the same link for an entire raiding session. As the links do take resources on my server, I don't see myself making them permanent.

If you have a set of triggers that you would like for your guild, I recommend exporting them to a GINA Package File and posting that file on guild forums etc. Note that the GINA Package File also does not have the size limitation that sharing through my web service has, which is helpful if your triggers also include a lot of pre-recorded sound files.

Re: Sharing link timeout

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 2:13 pm
by HSishi
*de-dusting this question _cough_ *

Is the timespan of 6 hours still valid? And, additionally to that, what's the current size limit of a trigger (because of pre-recorded sounds)?

Thanks for the answer :) .
